Wizard Job Change


Requisitos:Job level 40 a 50

Lugar: Geffen

Primero vamos a la torre cituada en el centro de la ciudad como indica el mapa.

Ya una vez dentro subimos por las escaleras de la derecha, subimos por todos los pisos hasta llegar al ultimo donde se encuentra el NPC de la quest.

En el ultimo piso hablamos con el NPC señalado. Si tu level es inferior a 50 te pedira que le lleves unos items sino pasa a la otra parte de la quest.

Items que te pedira(level inferior a 50):

Te puede pedir uno de estos Set de items


x5 Green Live

x5 Red Blood

x5 Crystal Blue
x5 Wind of Verdure


x10 Blue Gemstone
x10 Yellow Gemstone
x10 Red Gemstone

Habla con este NPC para seguir con esta parte de la Quest. El te hara una serie de preguntas para pasar al siguiente Test.

Pueden ser 3 tipos de grupos de preguntas que se mencionaran a continuacion:

Grupo N°1
01Which of the following is not necessary to learn Fire Wall?Napalm Beat Lv 4
02Regardless of it's previous attribute. What does the monster's attribute change to when you cast Frost Diver on it?Water
03When you completely master Napalm Beat, what is the ratio of the increased MATK using that spell?1.7 times
04What item do you need when casting Stone Curse?Red Gemstone
05Which of the following is NOT required to master Safety Wall?SP Recovery Lv 6
06Without the INT bonus, what amount of SP is recovered every 10 seconds when you have learned Increase SP Recovery Lv 7?21
07Using Energy Coat, when you have 50% of your SP remaining, how much SP is used when hit, and what percentage is damage reduced by?Damage 18% SP 2%
08How much SP is consumed and how many times can you avoid attacks when using Safety Wall Lv 6?SP 35, 7hits
09How much SP is needed when using Lv 10 Thunderstorm?74
10Which skill is most useful training in the Byalan Dungeon?Lightning Bolt
Grupo N°2
01Which monster can you obtain a slotted Guard from?Pupa
02Which of the following is the easiest monster for a low level Mage to hunt?Flora
03Which monster will not be affected by Stone Curse?Evil Druid
04When attacking a Lv 3 water attribute monster with a wind attribute weapon, what is the damage percentage?200%
05If a Baby Desert Wolf and a Familiar fought, which one would win?Baby Desert Wolf
06Which of the following cannot be a Cute Pet?Roda Frog
07Choose the monster that is weak against a fire attribute attack.Hammer Goblin
08Which of the following monsters has the highest defence?Caramel
09Choose the monster that's a different species.Ghostring
10hich of the following is not an Undead monster?Deviace
Grupo N°3
01Which stat is most important for a Mage?INT
02Which attribute does not have a 'Bolt' type attack?Earth
03Choose the one that does not relate to a mage.Good at selling stuff.
04Which town is the home of the Mages?Geffen
05Which of the following cards has nothing to do with INT?Soldier Andre Card
06What is the Mage good at compared to other job classes?Exceptional Magic Skills
07What is the INT bonus at Job Lv 40 for a mage?5
08Which item can't be equipped by mages?Cap
09Which of the following is the catalyst when making the Mage test solution 3?Blue Gemstone
10Which card is irrelevant to magic?Magnolia Card

Luego de que respondas a uno de estos grupos de preguntas te enviara a una sala para seguir con la Quest.

Habla con el NPC.

Ya dentro tendras que pasar 3 salas llenas de monstruos. Pero cada sala tiene monstruos de un elemento especifico, para que tu uses la skill adecuada para cada sala.

Primera sala de agua: usa skill de trueno ó viento

Segunda sala de tierra: usa skill de fuego

Tercera sala de fuego: usa skill de hielo

En mi caso la verdad no me ayudo mucho lo de los elementos asi que use "Soul Strike" para pasar las tres salas :) pero es a tu gusto. P.D.: en la primera mata a la sirena primero porque te tira Silence.

En el caso de que te maten tendras que pasar por el Test de preguntas de nuevo pero sera un grupo diferente de preguntas.

Test para los que murieron

01Choose the monster with a different attribute than the others.Cornutus
02Choose the monster that is not a looting one.Zerom
03Which of these monsters does not recognize casting?Marina
04Chose the spell that would be efficient against a Marine Sphere.Lightning Bolt
05Choose the monster that can move.Frilldora

Luego de pasar las salas Habla con la NPC de nuevo y listo!.

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